Kickman 21×30

Kickman Returns #30


Did that give anyone chicken skin?

So, it’s reasonable to assume that Superior Man still has children out in the world that weren’t incarcerated in the SPA. But his power level has taken a drastic downturn. No more flight. He can feel cold, so it’s a good thing he mugged some cosplayer dressed as Captain Han Solo on Hoth. But he still felt compelled to hoof it to Antarctica to find the one child that he knew about. So now, he is the proud father of a 6-week-old marble fetus. And it’s a girl!

Is it still viable? Her mother was a Greek goddess and her father was Superior Man at the height of his power. Will she grow up? Will Superior Man be a good dad to her? Who knows. The answer to those questions won’t be addressed unless there’s some kind of time shift to the future where Empress Superia rules over the Galaxy…

Nah. That’s not even going into my “to do” list. I think I’m tapped out at four comic series and some other side projects.