Java Jaguar Needs Your Help!

I am in the process of re-drawing a lot of my old Java Jaguar strips so that I can publish them in paperback book format. It has been taking much longer than expected. As I am churning out 10 strips a day, I could use some help editing the dialog and also the artwork (one of the things I consistently do is forget to erase ink marks or background between panels).

If anyone is able and willing to help me edit, just email me with JAVA JAGUAR in the subject line (all caps will help me spot it). I will email you a PDF of the manuscript to date and you can email me back any corrections or errors you find. To anyone helping out I will give you a PDF and Kindle eBook electronic copy as well as a mention in the credits at the end. I’d send you a print version but… I live in a van.

Thanks in advance!

Also, here are some old strips…