Kickman WIP

This week’s episode of Kickman brought to you in progress from my Microsoft Surface Pro 4. Since this whole chapter is following sidekicks gaming at a table, my works in progress are going to be a bit different than my usual flow.

Step 1: Borders: I usually have a 6-frame strip, but I’ve been having to open it up a bit to make space for a table full of gamers.

Step 2: Rough: Not going to lie. These look like almost finished images because I copy-pasted the ink figures from the previous episode. I just place them in their proper spots use a fat pen to change their facial expressions. Kickman looks rough in panels 2 and 4 because he’s making his first appearance this chapter.

Step 3: Table: I finally got smart and made a separate table layer. I just cut and pasted from a few episodes back but had to do some clean up in places.

Step 4: Miniatures: Speaking of getting smart, I also made a separate layer with the miniatures. Then I could just rearrange them from week to week.

Step 5: Ink layer! Finally doing some real work. If you can call tracing over last weeks characters work…

Step 6: Colors! Which is mostly using the paint fill tools, so not really that much work. It’s almost like I’m phoning in the chapter. Which is good because it frees up my time so I can do these process posts.

Full size completed post will be up tomorrow. Featuring: Dialog!