Kickman 10×12

The conspiracy is coming to the surface! The light is shining into the darkness! Will Kickman and Generic Kung-Fu Superhero Sidekick discover who the unknown malevolent force is trying to destroy the superheroes? Or will they fall victim to the incredibly menacing sounding ELIMINATION PROTOCOL? Stay tuned to find out. Same Kick time. Same Kick […]

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DC Vs DND: Wonder Woman Vs Lolth

#3 in the series that will never be. So I listed a number of reasons why Green Lantern is the best tactical match-up against his opponent, Demogorgon. To be honest, I pair up Wonder Woman with Lolth just because they are both chicks. Superheroine vs Demoness catfight. Here’s the process gif. So, who wins this […]

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DC Vs DND: Green Lantern Vs Demogorgon

No, not the Demogorgon from the Underneath. The REAL Demogorgon. When casting lots for who gets to fight which demonlord, why does GL get matched up with Demo? Depending on which mandrill head you are facing they each have a gaze attack that either charms or confuses its target, so whichever hero takes him on […]

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