Java Jaguar 250

Click on the cockpit of the Omega-4 Powered Armor for full-sized image


For Java’s 250th strip I figured I would do something special like introduce the long-awaited Omega-4 Powered Armor! Which of course we will never see again. Well, maybe in the pages of Kickman…

So we haven’t seen an actual alien yet, not even in the VR game (just some other players that Java terrified with his combat prowess). So at least some of the aliens have eye stalks. Can this still be a rated-G comic if Java just annihilated a swarm of aliens and took off at least one eye? It’s okay if it all happens off screen, right? Captain Hook had a hand bitten off by a crocodile and the Lost Boys kind of just laugh about it. Wait, what was the rating of Peter Pan?

Oh, I started that paragraph so I could ask this question: Any guesses on what the aliens look like?

Next: Alien War, START!