Java Jaguar 247


Coincidentally, if you go back to strip #242, you can see Java using his real life “Death Blossom” attack. A similar move he used against those children in the petting zoo (waaay back when Java was in just double digits). Good times. Except Java can Death Blossom whenever he feels like it. Rather than a last resort it’s basically his equivalent of pressing “X” on a Playstation controller.

If you’ve never seen the movie The Last Starfighter, it’s a 1984 sci-fi flick where some kid from a trailer park is conscripted to fight an alien war because he’s really good at a video game. You can skip to the Death Blossom scene here:

Next week I’ll be relocating to Pawleys Island, South Carolina. So keep an eye out for the Java mobile if you live near the area. If anyone manages to snap a photo of my rear bumper I’ll kick you some Kick Points!