Kickman 22×10

Villain City #10


This plot arc was written months ago, before Russia invaded Ukraine, so try not to draw any parallels between this comic and current events.

So, Luthor Alexander III, is Villain City’s ambassador to the United Nations. Anyone that had Luthor Alexander III as the true identity of “the mysterious Supreme Leader,” go ahead and deduct your Kick Points from your total and good luck in the next round. That will probably be the next big reveal, but at 1 comic a week, it could be another year or two before that reveal happens. Tell you what, if I win the lottery, I’ll ramp up Kickman to two comics a week. Or maybe just outsource it to another artist and write full time and go three pages a week. I know, you probably don’t think I could find an artist that could generate three pages a week. But if I won the lottery I’d just get three artists.

For those of you that are not full-time comic nerds: Latveria is the name of the fictional country in Marvel comics that is ruled by Dr. Doom, Kandaq is the fictional country in DC comics that is ruled by Black Adam (movie on its way), and Evilvania is the fictional country in Kickman comics that I made up on the spot just to be an exclamation point on the list of evil regimes. By the way, I love Iranian people, and strangely every Iranian woman I’ve ever met has been a super hottie, and that song by Flock of Seagulls that is an homage to Iran is one of the greatest songs ever written.

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