Kickman 22×08

Villain City #8


Huh. There is a lot of blue on that team.

Welcome to the Justice Rangers v2.0. Villain City, get ready for some serious liberating.

So, that’s Matt’s new super identity. Grayhawk. Which is a nod to his Dungeons & Dragons nerdboy origins (Greyhawk – with an “E” – was the name of the original D&D campaign. In which Gary Gygax was a player in a world DMed by Dave Arneson. At least, I think that’s the case, I’m not a game history expert – which I’m sure is a degree offered these days in the world of useless University degrees But I’m not going with GrEyhawk, just because I don’t want to totally rip off the Gygax/Arneson families. It’s an homage. Also, the heroes are fresh out of Hawks what with Hawk Arrow and Psi-Hawker both leaving).

Not sure why there were so many Hawks in the team. Maybe because my first school was Hahaione Elementary and we were the Hahaione Hawks. Also, this is the Year of the Hawk according to my first post this year. So, it was just like the bat flying into the window of Wayne Manor. “Yes, I shall become… a hawk!”

Also, he took Blue Bat’s advice about the name being two or three syllables for maximum tactical benefit. Maybe Aquarium should consider changing his name to Fishbowl.

Coming up: Justice Rangers Vs Villain City!

Also, if anyone wants to color in this B&W poster page of the new Justice Rangers, go nuts!