Kickman 22×05

Villain City #5


I think it was in the sequel to Frank Miller’s Batman: The Dark Knight Returns (DK2), where the action would occasionally switch from what’s happening to Batman and what’s happening in the rest of the world via “News in the Nude.” It wasn’t a bunch of villains trying to humiliate a newscaster, it was just their gimmick.

As you can see, the villains are gradually improving their ability to run a news station. First they added the VNN logo to the back. Now they have a tech crew in place that can add in graphics in the background that are pertinent to the story. And obviously, they are concerned about their ratings.

Two things in this strip to earn some “Good Observation” Kick Points. Well, two that I put in intentionally at least. I’m sure there’s some accidental Easter Eggs as well.

Every time we cut back to Lana’s news casts, I feel like I’m getting a break on drawing the strip since I just copy and paste the first four frames. So I figured I could put in the extra work to actually generate flags for the independent territories found in the nation of Villain City. I’ve got the rest of this chapter mostly written out, but if anyone would like a news update on any favorite villain that escaped from the SPA, feel free to put in a request in the comments.

See you all next week. Or on Wednesday if you also read Java Jaguar. Or every day if you follow me on Hive. or Twitter. Or if you’re stalking me.