Kickman 20×08

Superior City #8

Kickman’s Home

Today’s episode of Kickman is brought to you by Mom’s House of Pies: Superhero Hangout. Happy Pi Day!

Which reminds me of the old Hostess Fruit Pie ads that used to be in comic books. Raise your hand if you’re old enough to remember those.

So, according to the Black Bat’s files, with coordinated tactics the Justice Rangers probably had a 3% chance of taking down Superior Man. But that number instantly drops to 0 without Amazon fighting on their side. So what happens now? Does Amazon join Superior Man’s reign to protect her unborn child even though she can’t stand the buffoon? Will she risk her child’s life to fight against him?

Find out in the upcoming action-packed pages of The Hero Formerly Known As Kickman!

Also, I’ll just drop this here: