Kickman 20×07

Superior City #7


No Plan Survives The Enemy Knowing Your Plan. ~Sunny Sue

No relation to Sun Tzu.

For those that forgot about Superior Man’s Superior Selective Hearing, please review “Superiority Complex #7” where it is demonstrated in detail. In fact, maybe you should just read the entire chapter from the beginning because it is comedy gold and you should refresh your knowledge of the Justice Rangers before they <strike>all die</strike> fail to renegotiate their contracts to return for a new chapter. I’m actually super surprised that no one called me out on Superior Man’s super hearing… because in the same chapter, he demonstrates that his Superior Hearing DOES work in situations besides hearing “super villains and praise directed towards him.” See, he shows it right there in Superiority Complex #8!

Also, while I’m throwing hyper links around willy-nilly. There is a Patreon-only bonus page at the end of the Superiority Complex chapter that shows the date between Kickman and Amazon. Steamy stuff. You should totally become a Patreon supporter so you can read it right here: EPILOGUE TO SUPERIORITY COMPLEX.

For those that don’t like Patreon, you can also visit Kickman’s Home page each week and compete with other devoted readers for much valued Kick Points. You can redeem Kick Points for access to Bonus Comic Strips, Bonus Posters, and even The Kickman Adventure Game for PCs.

I also have a considerable audience on Hive, so I need to figure out some way for devoted Kick Fans to exchange Hive for access to Kickman and Java Jaguar bonus material. If anyone knows of a way for me to create a pay-with-Hive feature to access my bonus material that would be really helpful. Actually that would be a huge boon for those of us looking to monetize their comics somehow using Hive. Any coders out there with some thoughts?

Seriously, I could use the money.