Kickman 20×04

Superior City #4


5 Kick Points to the first person to identify all four characters in the last panel! Each of them has appeared in the strip in the past, and has been referred to by name in either speech or narrator bubbles. Hop to it! Two of them are B-Listers and 2 are C-Listers (although one of the C-Listers actually has a pretty good power and is only on the C-List because of hateful media lackeys…)

Attention HIVE Audience! To qualify for Kick Points you need to click on the link to go to Kickman’s Home and leave a comment there. I can’t be sending Kick Points willy-nilly across multiple platforms…

Lana Lane has lost all pretense at subtlety. I think I’ll have her do the “eye lid message” from Raiders of The Lost Ark sometime in the next couple of strips. Or just have her hand her panties to Superior Man during the interview. What’s an intrepid reporter got to do to get the attention of the most powerful and popular hero on the planet?

Happy Valentines Day to all of you folks out there. The last couple of Valentineses-es I’ve been with my girlfriend so I’ve stopped calling it “Bitter Singles Day.”

Here we are from our first official date, January 2019. A few months after that I would quit my job, leave Hawaii, and become a nomadic van-dweller traveling across the United States. Luckily, my entire art studio consists of a Microsoft Surface Pro 4, so I’ve been able to continue updating my webcomics, earn crypto on Hive, and make a bit of money in the stock market.

The world is too awesome to remain sedentary.

Love you, Cheri! Happy Valentine’s Day.