Kickman 13×02

Private Lives #2


As a fan of Daredevil, super-hearing is an under-rated power. Unless of course you are a thin, pale dude with Ferengi ears. When I created Radar on a whim because I needed someone with super-hearing, all I had was “super-hearing, big ears.”

A lot of the secondary characters I did not put a lot of time into imagineering. Most of them were created just as a sight gag or to set up a joke. Even Sticky Buns I thought would be a throwaway character, and the last chapter was her third appearance.

So in this chapter, I decided I wanted to add some personal life details to the fringe characters. After this page, I hope you get a sense of what kind of misery super-hearing could be on a day-to-day basis for a weird looking dude. BUT, he goes home to a beautiful, delicate, artist girl in his quiet sanctuary to make his life worthwhile.

Also, pay attention to tiny details. Because years from now on a game show someone may ask you, “In the hit comic Kickman, what floor does the superhero Radar live on?”