Miss Victory

Miss Victory is a public domain superhero who first appeared in Captain Fearless #1 in 1941! Here is her brief origin synopsis from her Wiki entry:

Joan Wayne was a Washington D.C. stenographer who grew tired of watching corrupt politicians. She decided to help the FBI by putting on a costume and fighting the crooked politicians as Miss Victory.

She has superhuman strength and limited invulnerability. I’m not sure what Power Class she would be in Mutants & Masterminds, and I don’t have any comics of hers to read to establish a frame of reference…

If I ever get around to starting my “Real Superheroines of [???]” webcomic, she’ll need to replace Liberty Belle whom I thought was in the public domain but probably is not. Anyway, on the left is the one and only image that I used for a reference for her.

Since the character had elapsed into the public domain, AC Comics started using Miss Victory for their Fem Force title in the 70’s. She… changed her look somewhat…




Below is my process gif. The background is just an American flag that I found online and unfocused the layer. Since some of the detail around the head got a little bit lost I added in the “American Glow” to make her stand out from the background a bit.

Edit: Steampress plug-in appears to not be sending this post to Steemit. Am trying to re-publish.