My Entry for: Steemit Webcomics Funny Comic Strip Contest Week #32

This is my submission for the comic contest hosted by @cobmaximus and judged by @turtledancedaily. The theme this week is “Turtles” of course. So here is: KICKMAN vs OMEGA TURTLE!



Omega Turtle is a villain idea I’ve had for a while now. Actually, I just really, really wanted to use that logo on his chest. The Hawaiian word for turtle is “Honu” and there are honu logos everywhere. The company I work for has three honu in it’s logo. I just one day came up with the idea of combining it with the Greek letter Omega and I think that’s awesome. It’s like, the turtle that will end the world, who I would think would be a fight more along the lines of Vs Godzilla rather than Vs Kickman… but I digress.

So why did I need a turtle villain. Well, in my Kickman thread where he first meets the Justice Rangers, at the end, the team’s Aquaman rip-off, Aquarium, invites Kickman and Generic Kung-Fu Superhero Sidekick to have a hero team-up one day. So of course, that would only happen if they are teaming up against a foe that can operate both on land and water. Omega Turtle will some day appear in the main Kickman canon.