Taming the Surf Dragon

Work still in progress but probably mostly completed. Also, if anyone has a better title I’m willing to go with yours. Needs more white foam along the rear edge of the board where it’s cutting the wave.

So I live in Hawaii and haven’t been working a proper job since my four month stint through the mainland states. Saturday my girlfriend and I were walking with another couple through Waikiki and stopped at the art show that they have every weekend on the street along the back edge of the zoo.

I’ve been working on some comic-art to sell at my artist alley booth at Comic Con Aloha, but that’s not until February and I need to make some cash before then, so I talked to the coordinator about getting some space on the Waikiki Zoo Wall. It turns out, it only costs $10 to display work to sell to tourists. I can’t use any of my DC Vs D&D images because they are pretty strict on owning copyrights (which strangely is not the case at Comic Cons), so I figured, I’d better start making some art to sell so I can eat between now and February.

I started on this last night and reached this point after about four hours. Little bit more work and I’ll print some out (thank you Costco photo center!) mount it in a matte frame, seal it in plastic, and boom! Pretty cool art that appeals to people besides comic and D&D nerds. If I can get 4 or 5 more of these done in the next 7 to 10 days I think I’ll be ready to show up to the art show and see if I can sell some prints.

Process! Chalk layer.

Ink layer.

Color scribbles to lay down a base coat to smoosh around with the flat oil paint and smooth watercolor brushes.

Final print is above. Here’s the process gif.