Kickman 21×25

Kickman Returns #25


You all remember Axel? From that group therapy session where he kept trying to talk about his father issues. I think he’s due for some closure on that front. Any guesses on who is placing that reassuring “there there” hand on his shoulder in panel 3. That same hand was comforting him when he started crying in the chapter Criminal Minds. He’s a big softie.

Surprised I managed to get this page done on time. Spent the better part of two days dragging half the contents out of a four-bedroom townhome, including the attic and basement. Tomorrow will be the mother of all moving sales. Oh, wait a minute. Tomorrow is Saturday not Sunday! I don’t have to finish this comic for another day. Well, by the time you read this my moving sale will have been yesterday. Hopefully I have nothing left except for the clothes on my back by now.

Everything here is/was for sale. And there’s about twice as much stuff outside the house on the front and side lawn as well.

Also, would someone please go back to Axel’s first therapy session and identify the Easter Egg there.