Untitled SciFi Novel (WIP)

(So because I don’t have enough going on in my life writing/drawing three separate comic strips, I’m also writing a sci-fi novel. I’ll be posting sections as I write here in Hive. I’d love to hear any comments, criticism, or suggestions.)

Chapter 1

“This is the V.C. Helsing requesting docking clearance, Buddha-N1. Transmitting credentials now.” Harrison swiped the send icon on his console and let the drives idle as he waited for a response.

“Greetings, V.C. crew.” Replied a cautious, hesitant voice. “Your ship is equipped with… weapons.” The phrase was halfway between a statement and a question. “This station is dedicated to peace and tranquility.”

Harrison muttered a few curse words under his breath then opened the channel. “Yes, this is a corvette and yes there are weapons onboard, but I assure you my mission is one of peace. And tranquility.”

“Why would a peaceful mission require weapons, sir?” Harrison rolled his eyes to the ceiling. “Because bad people try to kill me sometimes. The weapons are only for killing bad people in self defense. Did you even look at the credentials I sent?”

Pause. “You are a priest?”

“Yes. Father Harrison Medina.

“I see,” there was a pause. Harrison could hear a muffled conversation in the background. He thought that he may have over-estimated his reputation among the monks at the station. His last mission was eight years ago. He had to dance through hoops to earn the respect of the Grand Master of Flowers at the time. But by the time his mission was completed he was treated as an honored guest and a friend of the order. The conversation in the background continued.

Harrison exhaled noisily then keyed a few strokes on the comm panel to make some chiming noises, “I can hear you!”

“Sir, the Order of Eternal Light is uncomfortable with allowing an armed vessel to view our temple. Perhaps you would be willing to leap to the nearest station and return on a tourist transport?”

“I am not a tourist. I am on a mission from the Vatican Hunter Guild. Request permission to dock!” Harrison did not quite fully engage the mute function on his comm before adding, “Dumbass.”

There was a slight snort. “Sir, I’m afraid I must insist that you…”

Harrison stood up from his seat, “Call Grand Master Shu-Yen-14 and tell him that I’m here now.”

A pause, then a solemn utterance. “Grand Master Shu-Yen-14 is dead.”

“Oh.” Harrison softened. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know.” Harrison took a few seconds, pictured the old man’s laughing face. He sighed, “I am sorry. But I need to speak to the new Grand Master of Flowers.”

“A new Grand Master of Flowers has not been chosen as of yet.”

“Well then who is the highest ranking monk in your order right now? I need to speak with them.”

“What exactly is the nature of your…”

“Oh for God’s sake.” Harrison turned his back from the console, then spun back around barking, “Who are you talking to back there? Lee! Lee are you in that control booth? Lee, this is Father Harrison Medina of the Vatican Hunter Guild! Let me dock!”

There was a barely audible query in the background, then the comm went silent. Harrison sat back in his chair and waited. A soft chime was heard, then a new voice. “Father Medina, we are sending a guidance beacon now.”

“Thank you.” Harrison shut off the comm and watched his auto navigator light up with a received docking path. He placed his hands on the flight controls on the arms of his chair and adjusted the path of his corvette’s nose before easing the drive forward. This sector of space seemed unremarkable to the untrained explorer. There were no planets, not even a star. Simply a massive gas cloud that would likely form into a proto-star in another hundred million years and some scattered asteroids. As the Helsing drifted forward, Harrison leaned to look upward. As he passed through the cloaking sphere the massive station became suddenly visible.

The station was a piece of sculpture. It was in the shape of a Buddha, sitting cross-legged on a thousand petal lotus. The entire thing was covered in a layer of highly reflective gold and was orbited by luminescent orbs. There were probably forty thousand monks and support staff living on the station. The Helsing’s docking path swerved in a large arc around the head of the station. That was a good sign. It meant that someone in the flight tower must have recognized his name. A flight path that gave such a magnificent view of the station’s artistry was meant as a sign of respect for an honored guest’s arrival. His first time here his flight came in from the bottom of the station which looked like nothing more than a large saucer. More than once a visitor was forced to approach along the giant Buddha’s ass. Buddhist monks could be somewhat passive-aggressive.

More later…