The Collective of Heroes, an organization of Superhero Webcomics (of which Kickman is a member) is running an August mash-up event. In which we take a character from one of the comics in the collective and create an amalgam character with some other comic entity.
Here’s my humble submission. Maxima is a character from the webcomic Grrl Power. She’s the most powerful hero in the GrrlPower world and has golden skin, so decided to mash her up with the Silver Surfer (who I think is right around in the same power range).

Also, I made a gif, because it’s what I do.

Even though I grew up in Hawaii, I am not a surfer. So I grabbed a Silver Surfer image from the interwebs for her pose. I tried searching for a female surfer, but strangely most of the photographs of real female surfers are mostly blocked by waves.