(Click on strip for full size image)

Oh no! Java’s feelings are hurt! And hurting jaguars don’t do comedy.
Java is on strike until someone leaves him a comment.
Really I shouldn’t point fingers as I’ve been lax about responding to comments both here and in Kickman the last couple weeks. Which is why instead of just not posting a strip, I instead posted a whole strip about why I’m not posting a strip.
But you should be ashamed of yourselves. Java just went back to his trailer and is listening to “Everybody Hurts Sometimes” by REM over and over again.
HIVE SIDEBAR: For those unfamiliar with the history of Java Jaguar, when I first started the strip (some time after Kickman), I was getting very little traffic, so I just gave up on it. Roughly a year after I stopped updating it, someone swung by and left a nice comment and said that he was looking forward to reading more (I’m assuming because he didn’t realize that it was over a year since the last update). So I made just ONE MORE strip, and also posted a notice that from now on, Java Jaguar would only update if someone left a comment on his previous strip. One or two loyal fans began leaving a comment every day, and comments started popping up on all his older strips as well. Since then, I’ve been having regular comments on the site, so I’ve been updating pretty much weekly for a few years now.
And then last week….
So Java is just giving his fans a gentle reminder that he is in this only for his constant ego strokes. Hey, it’s not like he gets the big bucks for being a talking jaguar cub in a coffee shop.
Of course, I did get two comments from readers here on Hive, just not at Java’s Home Page. I need to think of a way to get some outsiders into the Hive fold.